Our Time and Our Talents
At Baptism we are called to live our lives patterned on the life and teaching of Christ – we are called to be disciples. Stewardship is how we live as disciples, using our God-given gifts and talents to bring the Word of God to life out of gratitude for the countless blessings God continues to give to us.
There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit;
there are different forms of service, but the same Lord....
1 Cor. 12:45
God has blessed each of us with unique spiritual gifts and talents.
The Spiritual Gifts Inventory is a tool to help you discover and perhaps uncover your unique spiritual gifts. It also will identify the ministries that could benefit from your particular gifts. You may click here to complete the Spiritual Gifts Inventory online.
How can I best use my spiritual gifts and help bring the Word of God to life?
I can be a good steward of my time. . .
- spending time in prayer
- attending Mass regularly
- taking time to listen to where God is calling me
- honoring my baptismal call to be a nurturing spouse, parent, friend - to love as I have been loved
I can be a good steward of my talents...
- acknowledging my God-given talents
- remembering that it is not what I have that defines who I am, but how I use my talents
- using my talents to follow the way of Christ, not the way of the world
- recognizing and encouraging the talents of others
The Challenges and Rewards of Stewardship
It is not easy to live in imitation of Christ. We all face obstacles, opportunities and challenges as we live with many responsibilities in this fast-paced environment. Our spiritual hunger does not always get a chance to be nourished through prayer and action.
However, with an openness and desire for the grace afforded us through the Holy Spirit, and nourished by the Eucharist and our rich Old Catholic tradition, we will find the opportunity to actively commit to a life of gratitude and responsibility.
The rewards are many:
- Making a difference in people’s lives
- Becoming an active member of a fulfilling Old Catholic community
- Discovering talents inside us just waiting to be used
- Letting go of our worries and setting realistic goals in both our spiritual and secular life
- Experiencing an amazing increase in God’s presence that comes with partnership with the Lord